Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I'm Still Here!

Don't worry, I'm still around. My human has been so busy with work though, she hasn't had time to take any pictures or post about me! 
If you need to fulfill your husky fix, here are some pictures of me when I was going through my "awkward" stage.  I was outgrowing my puppy face and trying to grow into some giant ears.  Enjoy!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I'm Going to be Lonely

I spent the weekend at the doggie hotel.  They always give me a bath and dress me up with a bandana when it's time to go home.

This time it was a St. Pat's scarf.  I was being shy when it came to taking a picture.

Meanwhile, my mom is going back to work today.  I'm going to be lonely now.  I got used to her being home and taking me to the dog park a lot!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

It's a Bird, It's a Plane...

I sometimes bark at the neighbors.  I bark when I want to come inside.  But I also bark at weird things flying through the sky.  Yesterday I got caught barking at something I've never seen before.